Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Ripple Mnemonics
Copyrights Reserved© LeX Productions 2006
A few stones carelessly tossed
Ripples erupting on impact
Forming quaint little circles
With boundaries criss-crossing
Like misshapen stitches on cloth
Or perhaps for a brief moment
Cesspools of disquiet
The image singes into my mind
Its imprint brings forth a memory
In vividness, seemingly distant
I recall the times when things were more certain
When I could always count
On someone close by
Probably you yes?
When all hearts contained were
Innocence in truest essence
And the future did not seem so uncertain
As it ever did now
Not that it matters any more
Than the splashes from insignificant ripples
Stones move and stop and move
But they remain where they are
At least for now
11 July 2006